Get Involved
Join the Silvis Garden Club
Annual membership is $7 per person or $11 per couple.
To become a member of the Silvis Garden Club, either register on-line by using this link: On-Line Registration Form
You may print a membership application by clicking on the print icon and mailing in the completed form: Print Form and Mail-in
We have Silvis Garden Club Meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 6:30-8:00 pm. Usually at the McGehee Center in Silvis.
Join One or More of the Following Committees:
The Silvis Garden Club is responsible for planting and maintaining approximately 25 gardens, beds and planters throughout the Silvis area. Silvis Garden Club members that are interested, volunteer and sign up to be responsible for one or more "spots".
- Plant flowers and plants and keep the garden, bed or planter weeded as needed
- Multiple volunteers can work on one or more "spots"
- The City Park Department will help with any heavy digging or mulching
Birdies for Charity
Each year the Silvis Garden Club participates in the John Deere Classic's Birdies for Charity. Proceeds we receive each year are used to help support our educational activities.
- Entry forms are available starting in April for the public
- All pledge donations are tax deductible!
Christmas in Silvis
Each year the Silvis Garden Club participates in the Christmas in Silvis celebration that is hosted by the city. We provide snacks and garden related items for the children and families.
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Communications & Marketing
The Communications & Marketing Committee is responsible for providing information to our members and the surrounding communities about the Silvis Garden Club (SGC) activities and events.
- Gather data, information and pictures from the Silvis Garden Club Board, Committees and members about events and activities during the year.
- Design, develop and produce brochures and handouts for activities and events.
- Design, develop and produce content and acquire pictures for various media such as newspapers, mailers, etc. about SGC activities and events open to the public.
- Design, develop and provide the Welcome Packet to new members.
- Make and update name tags, holders and envelopes for members.
- Work with the webmaster to update and keep the website current.
- Other communications and marketing initiatives or requests as needed.
The Education Committee is responsible for providing education opportunities to the members of the Silvis Garden Club and surrounding communities. They:
- Work together to identify, plan, and provide educational opportunities to our members through speakers at our monthly meetings for the entire program year.
- Work with youth groups, libraries and schools to provide education through gardening.
Garden Walk
The Garden Walk Committee is responsible for planning, preparing and executing one of the 3 primary money making activities that the Silvis Garden Club uses to support and expand club events, activities and outreach.
- Identify and contact potential gardens and owners for the Garden Walk usually held in June or July
- Club members sign-up for various jobs at garden walk.
- Request club members to divide and provide perennials for plant sale.
- Accumulate raffle prizes and put together raffle baskets.
- Coordinate the Garden Walk, Plant Sale, and Raffle
Greenhouse Maintenance
The Greenhouse Maintenance Committee is responsible for the care and maintenance of the greenhouse and any unattached structures.
- The committee members work with the Propagation Committee to assure proper settings for the greenhouse systems
- Prepare the greenhouse for Spring opening and Winter closing
- Provide maintenance and repair activities to support various Silvis Garden Club activities and events
Greenhouse Propagation (Planting & Growing)
The Greenhouse Propagation Committee is responsible for planning, preparing and executing one of the 3 primary money making activities that the Silvis Garden Club uses to support and expand club events, activities and outreach. In addition, they provide plant material for the City of Silvis Adopt-A-Spots. Committee members:
- Determine and order the annuals and perennial plugs to get the selection desired, along with the seeds to propagate.
- Club members are requested to help plant the plugs and seeds, and to help transplant the young plants to pots.
- March through May, plants are watered, pruned, fertilized and placed appropriately on tables according to lighting needs.
- The Greenhouse opens in April and the associated plant sale continues through May.
The Hospitality Committee is responsible for arranging for treats to be provided at the monthly meetings of the Silvis Garden Club. They:
- Organize and arrange for members to sign up and provide treats for one or more monthly meetings during the program year.
- Arrange for games, door prizes and a gift exchange for the Christmas potluck party.
Moonlight Parade
The Moonlight Parade Committee is responsible for deciding the club's theme, organizing the members, assembling the float and participating in the parade, annually.
The Moonlight Parade is held the last full weekend of August. Not Labor Day Weekend.
- Committee solicits ideas for the float from members based on the parade theme.
- Volunteers from the club sign up to assemble and tear down the float.
- Candy or other items are passed out to the children.
- The Silvis Garden Club has won trophies multiple times and they are a source of pride.
The Newsletter Committee is responsible for creating, publishing and distributing the monthly newsletter, "Let's Talk Dirt", which benefits and educates the Silvis Garden Club members. The newsletter contains:
- Message from the President
- Notice of next meeting, scheduled speaker and topic
- Who is scheduled to provide treats
- Notices of what's happening in the club, plans for the club activities and events
- Informational/educational articles and inspirational quotes. Sources for these include gardening magazines, books, the internet, etc.
- List of Board members
- The newsletter is emailed to members
- For members that do not have email, black & white copies are printed and mailed.
- Members and Committees are encouraged to provide content for the newsletter
Spring Plant Sale
The Spring Plant Sale Committee is responsible for planning, preparing and executing one of the 3 primary money making activities that the Silvis Garden Club uses to support and expand club events, activities and outreach. It is held at the Silvis Greenhouse. Committee members:
- Plan and acquire plants from members and other sources to include in the sale
- Prepare the plants and sales area for good access and flow of visitors and workers.
- Determine the commitment of other members and people to help during the sale, as needed
- Train and prepare the committee members and volunteers to be informed, effective and engaging with the visitors/customers
- Inform public about the garden club, invite people to join us for meetings, etc.
- Arrange for cleanup to be completed and the site left in good condition
Another plant sale takes place in conjunction with the Garden Walk in June of each year.
Return to TopTrunk or Treat
The Silvis Garden Club participates in the Trunk or Treat event each year as part of our Community Service and involvement.
- Silvis Main Street usually holds the Trunk or Treat event in the Blackhawk Bank parking lot around Halloween.
- We decorate a vehicle (we have been using a scarecrow theme) and volunteers pass out candy to the children and families.
We'd love to get to know you!
Upcoming Events:
Monthly Meeting Christmas Potluck – December 12, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. McGehee Center, Silvis, IL
Monthly Meeting – January 9, 2025 – 6:30 p.m. McGehee Center, Silvis, IL
Monthly Meeting – February 13, 2025 – 6:30 p.m. McGehee Center, Silvis, IL; Speaker – Emily Swihart, landscaping with pollinating plants.
Monthly Meeting – March 13, 2025 – 6:30 p.m. McGehee Center, Silvis, IL; Speaker – Deborah Welsner, bird nesting and trees and shrubs they like.